Well, the end to my English class is finally here. I would
say that this class was more than just the introduction to university writing.
It was also an introduction to the culture of college. This class was the
perfect example of what I expected college to be like: teachers looking like
students and showing up late sometimes, lectures being more liberal and not so
uptight to the rules, learning expanding to things beyond the class like conferences.
Maybe it was because I had this class for more than one semester, or maybe it
was because it was the first class I experienced a heavy load of work on;
whatever it is, it was a great experience. The funny thing is that as fun as
the class was, I actually felt I learned a lot and I felt that my writing
improved tremendously. I guess I owe it to the fact that Sean was so damn picky
with my writing and so critical that it pissed me off. It was a good thing
though because when my work isn’t “perfect” I work my ass off to make it as
perfect as I can. Sean is an expert at telling me how imperfect my work is so I
guess we go hand in hand. Hell, I imagine he’ll probably be reading this and in
the back of his mind he’ll be criticizing how my sentence doesn’t make sense
here or how I’m not following the format that some ancient French guy created a
long time ago. He’s right but just for now, just for this post, I don’t care
about the French or those random Russians and their triple negatives. Like a
wise man once said: Thug Life (that was right before he got shot -_-). Anyway, I
hope to keep learning and improving my writing as the years go by. I now have
the necessary tools to emerge as one of the best in another English class and I
have the basic understanding of how to write a formal paper. For someone who
tries to achieve nothing short of perfect, I feel I now have the foundation to
one day become something great, at least as far as my English requirements go.
So now I want to take this time to be as cheesy as possible (whoever doesn’t like
it can bite Bender’s shiny metal ass) and say that it has been a pleasure being
in Sean’s English 114A and 114B class. To my classmates and to Sean I want to
say thank you guys, it’s been a ride. Good luck with everything and wish you
all success. Now excuse me while I go and listen to Fake Plastic Trees.
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